In your area

Check what’s happening

Gas roadworks
Have a look at our roadworks map, type in your postcode and see what is happening near you that might slow you down. The map has improved links to our gas works live working times, information on works from other utilities, and the option for you to leave feedback.
If you have any questions about any essential work we are doing near you please call customer services on 0800 912 2999 or to register a complaint please call 0800 294 6645. (We are only responsible for the gas network in our area and cannot represent the other utilities other than sharing common information through roadworks).

Building our network
We try and provide the safest and strongest pipe network to cause less disruption in the future. Part of the future proofing of ur infratstructure is to replace old metal piping with stronger, safer plastic pipes that will last for generations to come. In 2002 we began an ambitious 30 year plan to replace the majority of gas piping around Wales and the south west. Unfortunately, to do this work we have to dig up a lot of roads. Sorry about that! We don't like traffic jams any more than you do, but it will be worth in the long run: building a more reliable network now means fewer gas leaks and less disruption in the future for many generations to come.