Think we could do better? Want to say 'well done'? We really value your feedback. So if you'd like to make a complaint, the information you need is below.
How to make a complaint
We aim to provide outstanding service to all of our customers, every time. However, there are times when we don’t meet our usual high standards. We're genuinely sorry if we've let you down. We’re dedicated to resolving complaints quickly, fairly and confidentially. If we can’t resolve your complaint straight away, we’ll keep you updated until we do. You can download a copy of our complaints handling procedure below. For complaints relating to your gas bill, please contact your gas supplier. For complaints about the installation, removal, exchange or maintenance of a National Grid meter, please call 0845 606 6766.
You can contact our complaints team in lots of ways:
- Telephone: Freephone 0800 294 6645 Minicom: 029 2027 8707
- Email:
- You can also write to us at:
Complaints Team
Wales & West Utilities Ltd
Wales & West House
Spooner Close
Celtic Springs
NP10 8FZ
When providing us with the details of your complaint, it will help us to investigate your concerns more quickly if you can provide us with the site address and any reference numbers. Our complaints team is available between 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. To speak with a member of our customer services team outside of these hours, please call the general enquiry telephone number, Freephone 0800 912 29 99.
Say thank you to our staff
Happy? Then we're happy too. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding customer service every day, but it's always great to get a little pat on the back when we've done a good job! If you’d like to pass on your praise or thanks to one of our teams, please let us know your address, the date and any other information you might have.
To pass on your feedback, you can contact us at:
- Telephone: Freephone 0800 912 29 99
- Email:
- You can also write to us at:
Customer Satisfaction
Wales & West Utilities Ltd
Wales & West House
Spooner Close
NP10 8FZ