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Introducing our Business Plan for 2026-2031

Our RIIO-GD3 Business Plan is ready for you to read. Published on December 18 2024, we are pleased to share our plan that details our excellent track record, and the actions we will take during 2026 – 2031 to meet the needs of our communities and stakeholders. Read on for more details.

Learn more in our video 

Whether heating homes or powering businesses, the energy we use today and the demands we face for the future are of crucial importance. That’s why at WWU we’ve been setting out our plans for the next five years and strengthening our commitment to the gas network. Our video outlines how we made our Business Plan, the key areas of focus, and what we will achieve in the five years from 2026-2031. Watch the video to learn more directly from some of our colleagues, including our CEO Graham Edwards.


Find out about our plans at WWU for 2026-2031

Our RIIO-GD3 Business Plan contains a detailed vision for the work we will carry out in the five years from 2026. While continuing to deliver a safe and reliable network for our customers, we will take timely, credible action to reach Net Zero in our operations by 2050. Our plan details each of our commitments, our business areas, and how our decisions have been shaped by consumers and stakeholders.

Our business plan for 2026-2031

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Meeting the needs of consumers and network users

Without consumers there would be no gas network, and we recognise this in all we do by always putting consumers first. We have made sure there is consumer and stakeholder involvement in every step of building our RIIO-GD3 plan, which includes a wide range of support for vulnerable consumers, continued high levels of customer service, and a commitment to ensure no one is left behind in the UK energy transition.

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Delivering a sustainable network

Our gas network has a long-term role in the move to a decarbonised energy system, which is widely recognised by our stakeholders. In RIIO-GD3 our pipelines and infrastructure must continue to provide the safe, secure energy supply that our consumers expect in the present day – while we prepare for and react to decisions about our role through the transition and beyond. 

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Maintaining a safe and resilient network

The safety of our network is paramount, so we invest over £3m each week to ensure we consistently achieve the highest standards. We use a methodical approach to investment and risk when maximising our assets from pipes to storage facilities; and precise metrics to measure success when it comes to maintaining our gas network. Our RIIO-GD3 plans include furthering our understanding of climate change impacts in our region; and strengthening our IT system defences. 

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Delivering value for money

Providing good value for money is built into all that we do to keep customers safe and reduce our impact on the environment. We report to our regulator Ofgem every year to ensure our performance is achieving the levels of service and value we’ve agreed with stakeholders – performance targets we’re proud to have consistently achieved. 

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Have your say on our Business Plan

We are encouraging stakeholders and customers to have their say on our business plan for 2026 – 2031 by participating in the Ofgem call for evidence. Comments can be submitted to Ofgem until 10th February 2025 and further information on how to respond can be found below.

How to respond to Ofgem

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