Injecting Gas Into Our Network
We are committed to playing our part in helping the UK get to Net Zero. Independent research shows that we can decarbonise home heating, power and transport cheaper and with less disruption to local communities if we convert our existing safe and reliable gas network to run on green gas. Find out more information about this research here.
We want to encourage the entry of renewable gas like biomethane into our network and welcome enquiries from developers who are considering building anaerobic digestion plants or other facilities. We are also open to enquiries from developers of other non-conventional sources of gas like hydrogen.
If you would like an initial discussion in particular to understand in general terms how we can work together please get in touch.
Connecting your gas to our network
Initial Enquiry: You will need to complete our initial enquiry form providing the following key information:
- Site location plan
- Postcode and coordinates
- Estimated flow rate – standard cubic meters per hour (scm/h) for injection into the gas network
We will then perform a high-level network analysis based on modelled data to assess where the nearest suitable connection point is on our network and whether the estimated flow rate can be injected.
This takes 15 working days to complete. There is no charge for this activity and the enquiry response letter is valid for 90 calendar days.
Capacity Study
We will issue a capacity study agreement with the initial enquiry response. If you want to proceed with the application, you should sign the agreement and return it to us. An invoice will be sent following receipt of the signed agreement.
Once we have received payment which is currently £1,094 plus VAT, the study will be completed and issued within 30 working days.
The study uses actual flow data from our sites in the area and by using this information we will provide you with:
- Confirmation of network capacity
- Seasonal and daily demand profiles at the connection point.
- Feasibility of being able to blend to minimise propane addition at the connection point
The study is valid for 180 calendar days from date of issue.
This cost of this capacity study covers the work required to assess a single pressure tier. Where multiple pressure tiers or multiple connections to the same pressure tier require analysis, an hourly rate of £74 plus VAT will be applied and will include analysis for the following activities but not limited to:
- Pressure adjustments and/or within-grid compression to increase available network capacity
- Capacity checks on multiple pressure tiers or multiple injection points on a single pressure tier
- Network reinforcement to increase available network capacity
Capacity Booking
To reserve or book entry capacity on our network, please sign the capacity booking letter which is attached to the capacity study and pay a fixed deposit of £19,000 plus VAT. This deposit will pay for satellite and communications equipment that will be owned by WWU and will also pay for the support needed from the business for site commissioning. If the site does not get to the commissioning stage and no money has been spent by WWU on resource or equipment in support of this connection, then this deposit will be refunded in full.
Once in receipt of the signed letter and deposit, the offered capacity is guaranteed in our network and becomes unavailable to all subsequent entry applications in the same part of the network.
However, you will be expected to provide evidence of site progression within 180 calendar days otherwise the capacity booking may be cancelled. If this evidence is not provided you will be asked to complete a Milestone document and, once approved, we will offer you a capacity booking continuation where we will keep your capacity booked, provided the milestones are achieved by the stated dates.
Get in touch