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Wales & West Utilities Damien Karamouzis with some of the children who have benefitted from All Stars 

Keen youngsters from across the Barry area have been given the chance to try their hand at cricket after a donation to a local club has enabled them to run a youth sports training programme.

After receiving a match-funding donation from Wales & West Utilities, Barry Wanderers Cricket Club has been able to train coaches and activators to run an All Stars Cricket programme during the summer.

The club received the donation after second team captain and Wales & West Utilities employee, George Allen, put in a request for support. The gas emergency and pipeline service for Wales and the south west of England provided the funding as part of its commitment to support the communities it serves.

Damien Karamouzis, who works for Wales & West Utilities and is also involved in the club, explains:

“We have run All Stars before but due to a lack of qualified coaches and activators the club has often struggled to run the programme. When we found out we had been successful with the match-funding we were able to put coaches and activators through the necessary training.”

All Stars is an initiative from the England and Wales Cricket Board, aimed at providing children aged five to eight with a great first experience in cricket.

Damien continued:

“We have been thrilled with the numbers of youngsters who have registered with us this summer and the funding we have received from my employer has helped us no end.

“We have a lot of keen youngsters from across the Vale who are keen to try their hand at the sport. The sessions are for children aged five to eight and provide a great introduction to cricket, with a focus on increasing movement skills.

“On behalf of the club and everyone that is involved in All Stars locally, I’d like to thank Wales & West Utilities for their support which has helped us get this programme off the ground.”

Sarah Hopkins, Wales & West Utilities People & Engagement Director, said:

“We are committed to supporting the communities we serve in whatever way we can. We have close links with communities across the Vale of Glamorgan and it’s our pleasure to be able to provide the donation to the cricket club and we hope that everyone attending All Stars really enjoys it.”

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