Gas Supply Emergencies (Non-Domestic Customers)

Gas Supply Emergencies are extremely rare. But if one does happen, we need to act safely and quickly – and as a large user of gas, you have an important part to play.

There are things you need to know, and things you must do:

  1. You must provide emergency contact details to your gas supplier.
  2. You must make sure that this contact information is accurate and up to date.
  3. You must be ready to act if a Gas Supply Emergency is declared. 

We all need to work together to minimise the impacts of potential Gas Supply Emergencies. Providing your accurate contact information is key to reducing demand on the gas network quickly and safely. So read this information carefully.

Any Questions?

Emergency exercises

Good to know...

Wales & West Utilities and other gas networks sometimes perform Gas Supply Emergency test exercises, during which we may test the contact details you’ve provided, and how well your contact arranges to stop using gas. We then report the results to the Health & Safety Executive.

If you’re contacted for an emergency exercise, it will be clearly stated that it’s an exercise and that you’re not actually required to stop using gas.

It’s vital that you know what’s needed and take action. It’s the law.

Your Emergency Contact Information

The right contact

Your emergency contact must be able to:

  • Accept the direction to stop using gas from the gas network contact.
  • Arrange for your site to stop using gas. If they can’t do this, they must be able to reach someone who can.

Business Type

If you are a 24 hour business you need to provide one emergency contact with a single 24 hour number.

If you are not a 24 hour business you need to provide three emergency contacts with two numbers for each.

Provide your details

Any Questions?

  • What is a Gas Supply Emergency?

    A Gas Supply Emergency is when there’s not enough gas available to meet expected demand. Although it’s very unlikely, insufficient gas could cause a loss of pressure in the network, meaning we need to take action quickly to balance the system and keep everyone safe. The NEC or a gas network can declare a Gas Supply Emergency. The NEC is responsible for coordinating the actions of all gas networks during a Gas Supply Emergency.

  • What will I have to do?

    If such an emergency is declared, you must stop using gas as soon as you’re told to do so. It’s the law, and is vital to protect domestic customers and those customers in vulnerable situations and to keep everyone safe.

  • Who will ask me to stop using gas?

    You’ll be contacted by us (your gas network) if you have to stop using gas. We might phone, fax, visit in person or deliver the direction by hand. It is a criminal offence for the person receiving the direction to knowingly fail to comply with it.

  • What will they say?

    We’ll explain that there is a Gas Supply Emergency and direct you to stop your site using gas.

  • What exactly does ‘stop using gas’ mean?

    It means you should immediately, but safely, turn off any equipment or appliances that use gas. We’ll tell you when you can safely turn them back on.

  • What might happen if I don’t stop using gas?

    If you fail to stop using gas, you’ll be putting domestic and those in vulnerable situations at risk. You will also be breaking the law - which could lead to the isolation of your site and prosecution by the Health & Safety Executive. Your supplier will also be notified of your failure to cooperate.