Executive team

Graham Edwards
Chief Executive
Graham has significant senior management experience in the Utility sector running electricity distribution and water businesses with South Wales Electricity, Hyder and Thames Water. He has held senior posts in Human Resources, Operations, and MD roles with full P&L responsibility. Before joining South Wales Electricity in 1992, Graham spent many years in the manufacturing sector with international automotive and consumer goods companies. In his early years he served an apprenticeship in structural engineering. Graham has a masters degree in business administration and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Rob Long
Chief Operating Officer
A Chartered Project Professional and an experienced Operations Manager, Rob started his career as a Quantity Surveyor before working on and leading major investment and upgrade projects across the utilities sector. He joined us in 2008 to lead our Gas Pipe Upgrade Programme, making sure it was delivered safely and efficiently while keeping disruption to the communities we serve to a minimum. As our Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for all our engineering and customer facing work. He leads our operational team who deliver the gas emergency service, repair and maintain the gas network, connect new homes and businesses, and are upgrading the gas network so it’s fit for the future.

Neil Henson
Director of Finance
Neil is our Director of Finance, responsible for our financial and commercial functions, as well as our IT team. Before joining Wales & West Utilities, Neil worked for Galileo, the international airline reservation systems business, and Hyder, the Welsh multi-utility water and electricity infrastructure provider. Prior to this, Neil gained extensive experience with KPMG, where he qualified as a chartered accountant.

Paul Millar
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Paul Millar joined Wales & West Utilities as General Counsel & Company Secretary in 2013. He is a solicitor and holds a degree in Law (LLB Hons). He has more than 25 years’ experience in the legal services sector primarily advising construction and engineering related industries. Before joining Wales & West Utilities he led a team of lawyers at law firm Morgan Cole for 15 years where he was a partner specialising in energy infrastructure and utility projects. Paul leads the legal and company secretariat function across the business and is also responsible for the management of the estates and wayleaves team.

David Robinson
Director of Business Services
David joined the gas industry in the late 1990s as a graduate engineer, before transferring to undertake a range operational support roles. A Chartered Management Accountant, between 2010 and 2017 he was Finance Manager for our Gas Pipe Upgrade Programme, making sure it was delivered safely and efficiently while keeping impact on customers’ bills to a minimum. In 2017 he became Head of Business Change, managing our Business Transformation programme, before joining Indigo Pipelines as Chief Financial Officer in 2019. At Indigo Pipelines he was responsible for Financial Reporting, Treasury and Capital Investment, before he re-joined Wales & West Utilities as Business Services Director in 2021. As Business Services Director David leads our commercial, customer service, engineering design, connections and operational support teams who play a key role in delivering outstanding levels of customer service to the communities we serve.