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Our future for energy
Our future for energy

Preparing the Network

Taking practical steps

Right now, we're working on a range of projects and schemes that will help deliver our vision of a reliable, affordable and green whole energy system.

Ahead of a strategic decision on heat from the UK Government, these are all 'no-regrets' initiatives that can start delivering the decarbonisation of heat today. 

Pipe upgrades

In 2002 we started a national programme to upgrade old metal gas pipes. By 2032 all pipes within 30 meters of buildings will be plastic. This is part of our commitment to keep gas flowing safely to homes and businesses long into the future. This programme reduces gas leaks and therefore carbon emissions from the operation of the gas network, while also making the network cost effective. Our pipes will be safer, more durable, and future-proof.

Renewable gas

We have 19 renewable sources of gas connected to our network, including a tomato farm and a sewage works. They supply the equivalent of 113,000 homes with low-carbon green gas. And this is just the start. We’re working with third parties to help connect more sources of green gas to our network. 

Our new plastic pipes have a lifespan of more than 80 years

Renewable gas production is a growing part of our safe and reliable gas supply

New builds

With the results of our vision clear, and endorsement of hybrid heating as a key part of low carbon heat from the UK Committee on Climate Change, we’re supporting local and devolved government make decisions on the heating of new build housing stock. 

Keeping the lights on

We’ve already got more than 30 power stations connected to our network, generating enough energy for 3 million homes. Most of them are flexible ‘peakers’, taking advantage of the massive storage capacity of the gas network. 

These flexible power stations support renewable energy, generating electricity when the wind drops or the sun doesn’t shine, as well as providing frequency response services, helping to keep the electricity network stable. 

Energy centres and heat networks

Combined heat and power stations connected to our network are not only generating low carbon electricity and heat for factories and other industrial applications, they’re also playing a key role in developing heat networks, including in Bristol. 

Smart gas grid

With the dramatic increase in injection of low-carbon green gas, we need to make sure our network is as flexible as possible. We’re working on a project with other gas networks that will help us to make the most of the sources of green gas we have in the UK.

A fully reversible gas grid – where low carbon gas can be moved up the pressure tiers and transmitted long distances – will help us maximise the carbon reductions green gas can deliver.

Keeping Britain moving

With more Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles on the roads than ever before, our network is already supplying the gas for buses in Plymouth and Bristol, with capacity for many more. Nationwide, large supermarket chains are adopting CNG fuelled trucks.