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Our future for energy


A cleaner, greener future for customers

We need to continue to deliver reliable energy at affordable costs for customers, and to help the UK meet strict decarbonisation targets. 

It’s a tough challenge: reducing carbon emissions while continuing to deliver what customers want and need. 

Our vision sets out how gas and gas networks are integral to not only decarbonising heat, but also how a true whole systems approach means they have a part to play in supporting the decarbonisation of power and transport too.


Decarbonising heat is where reducing emissions are most challenging – and where the least amount of progress has been made


We’ve made good progress on decarbonising power supply, with increasing amounts of renewable energy connected to the electricity grid. Wind energy, solar parks, nuclear power stations and hydro power, alongside gas replacing coal, have all helped make Britain’s electricity supply one of the greenest in Europe.


With increasing electrification of the railways and a record breaking increase in the number of EVs on the road, we’re making good progress on transport too. But there’s still more to do, particularly on heavy goods vehicles and public transport, with a focus on not only reducing carbon but also improving air quality.