Asset Strategy
Our asset strategy will be a continuation of RIIO-GD2; to take care of our assets at the lowest cost across their lifespan. The risk management we will take forward into RIIO-GD3 includes long term investment, winter planning, upholding asset safety, complying with regulations and minimising our environmental impact.

Our Investment Decisions
We make investment decisions based on high-quality data and on sophisticated predictive and prescriptive analytics. While predictive analytics forecast outcomes to help with decision-making, prescriptive analytics recommend the optimal course of action or strategy. We also use NARMs – Network Asset Risk Metrics. With our methodical approach to investment, we manage risk, keep costs as low as possible, and will always ensure there is no ‘gold plating’ – which would be adding a feature or service to our work that stakeholders or customers have not asked for.

Climate Resilience
Our commitment to deliver a safe and reliable gas network while providing value for money to customers, means that we must think about climate change impacts and how these could affect our business and customers, both now and for the rest of the century. We will use RIIO-GD3 to carry out in-depth analysis that continues to fine-tune our understanding, the results of which will inform our investment decisions and business planning for RIIO-GD4 and beyond.

IT & Telecoms Strategy
Fulfilling our technology needs across WWU while meeting stakeholder expectations is an ever-evolving challenge, and during RIIO-GD3 we will continue our progress to strengthen our defences against potential attacks, protect our systems, and sustain their resilience. We will also support environmental targets, fulfil our license conditions and expand our expert team.